Soneri Bank is one of the famous bank in Pakistan. It has more than 400 branches and ATMs across Pakistan. More than 3500 employees works in Soneri bank. Mustashim Ahmad Ashai is the CEO of Soneri Bank. Soneri Bank has won the awards of “Brand of the Year Awards 2019”, and many other. Like other banks, Soneri Bank also enable users to open its digital account from home. In this blog, we will discuss how to open a Digital account at Soneri Bank.
To open Soneri Bank Digital Account, go to the Soneri Digital Onboarding or click here to reach the destination page. Then choose a preferred banking segment between Conventional and Mustaqeem. Both of these segments include different banking types like Freelancer Account, Digital Account, and Digital Remittance Account. Now select your preferred account type Asaan Digital Account, Soneri Freelancer Account, and Asaan Digital Remittance Account. Their benefits and objectives will be mentioned there as well. Now type your account details including your account currency, account type between current and saving, and select your account category.
Then provide your personal details including your name, CNIC number, CNIC issue date, CNIC expiry date, and images of frontside and backside of your CNIC. Also type your date of birth, email address, phone number. Then fill the captcha and continue. You will receive an OTP at your email address. Copy and paste that code there. Now type Individual information including your mother’s name, father’s name, gender, place of birth, and marital status.
Also read: How to open Bank AL Habib Freelancer Account
Then provide your nationality, resident country, other nationality, education, present address, permanent address, and landline number of your home. After this, provide your Zakat and FATCA status including Zakat Exemption, Reason of Exemption, FATCA status, TIN number, and reason if TIN is not available. Then provide card and chequebook details that you want to order a cheque book or not, number of leaves you want to receive, and E-Statement if you want to receive or not. Now select your province, city, and choose the nearest branch of Soneri Bank in which you want to open your account.
Then choose ATM card details whether you want to order or not. Also choose card type between Soneri PayPak debit card, Soneri Classic Mastercard, and Soneri Golden Mastercard. Now describe nature of transaction, purpose of account, estimated annual income, estimated monthly credit, estimated debit, estimated monthly debit turnover, and estimated monthly credit turnover. Then Soneri Bank will ask you to take a live picture of yourself for NADRA verification. You need to give your camera access to the website and follow the instruction and Soneri Bank will verify your facial identity.
Then follow the terms and conditions of Soneri Bank and submit your request. After submitting your request, wait for 48 hours. You will receive an account activation mail within 48 hours. In this mail, you will also receive your account number and IBAN. In this way, you can create Soneri Bank Digital Account.
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